Monday, 13 May 2013

Ronda - province of Andalucia

Ronda is on the way to the Costa de Sol. This was the most southerly outpost of the Celtic empire, and like celtic cities, built on top of a hill. We were just here a few hours but a few points of note...

We couldn't walk through the streets at first as the 101km road race was just completing in the city. I was wondering why the runners were carrying climbing poles but I guess that is telling you how steep and mountainous this area is... here are a few of the 3000+ entrants

Ronda is also the location for the Spanish legion so a few of the boys were out taking care of civilian crowd control because of the race...

Ronda is also the site of the first bullfighting ring. I felt I couldn't go to spain without somehow investigating the bullfighting phenomenon so went inside the ring and to the museum... took the photo, felt creeped out my all that testosterone and aggression and left - been and seen...

Anyhow, as I was saying, Ronda is not just built on a hill top but has a massive chasm in the midst of the old and new towns... makes for spectacular views of which the restaurants take advantage...

And I know these guys will star elsewhere forever more, but caught this 'family' just sitting in the sun on a Saturday morning outside their place in the old city... totally priceless and reminds me of....

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