Monday 13 May 2013

costa de sol on the mediterranean

I particularly went on this trip to see Costa de Sol... I am both appalled and amazed... On the interesting note, tourism, with the growth of consumerism from late 50s and 60s, and the latter years of the Franco regime meant that a tourist mecca in the south of Spain made a massive contribution (and continues to do so) to the Spanish economy. I think they said 90million visitors a year...  OK enough facts and figures, here is the beach ....

We stayed in a resort on the beach front. I can only think of those images of Brighton beach holiday camps. They were like enormous compounds with pools, shops, dining rooms etc with untold numbers of English and German (particularly!) tourists mobbing en masse... You were literally fighting through prams, zimmer frames and wheel chairs to get around, let alone the line up for dinner (at 7PM!! you are seeing the fighting off the zimmer frames) for serves of chicken and overcooked peas with a bit of tropical fruit and ice cream!

So you get a gist of the scale of this operation, here is the hallway to my room... where I was kept up til all hours with the disco downstairs (not sure what the theme was), after the inmates, I mean visitors were having nice games of cards and backgammon in the 'bar' area... Oh yes and there were definitely strains of macarena blaring out as well...

After I finally managed to get my dropped jaw back in check, I did reflect that Bren and I nearly died of cold after 3 days in a wet London/damp dungeon room in April, after which any amount of warmth and fresh air would be pure bliss!! We are so very very lucky!

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